The Beauty of Love……Loyalty & Pain…

The beauty of love, loyalty & pain is so intertwined. It is so beautiful to experience love because it is in, my opinion, the best of all emotions. it brings comfort, joy, laughter and so much more. The beauty of loyalty is rare to find the real deal so when you do, it is most beautiful and a treasure to keep the one who is loyal. Pain, although it comes in many ways but the kind I am talking about is heartbreak or emotional pain. It Is so hard to bare and it can be crush but the beauty comes when you rise up from and you are stronger and you work hard to get to that point where you can recover. Not all emotional or heartbroken emotions can be healed. I know that myself but for the ones that can it is beautiful too.

Wow. is this for real?… I went to read some of your Blogs….I have to pay?…

I always try to read your Blogs as well as write mine. i was doing that this morning and now Word press wants me to join and pay that kind of subscription to read many of your blogs? is this right or a glitch? In all my years with WordPress I have never had that come up….

To everyone struggling to do their best and you feel like you keep getting knocked down… Someone believes in you…

To every parent who feels like you are failing, every wife or husband who feels you cannot do enough, every single mom or dad struggling to keep things above water, every addict recovering and crying through every minute of it, every child told you are not enough, every person anywhere who thinks you will never do, be, or get good enough. you already are. Because I walk the muddy waters too. you are doing it, you are making it, you are perfect because you keep on. Because you are doing the best that you can. Keep on doing it. because, no matter what, someone BELIEVES in YOU!

One quote for the Day… I have more but starting here….

The sign of a beautiful person is what is on the inside. Helping those who don’t appreciate you because it is who you are. The willingness to forgive and still love those who have hurt you while not going back for more. Not giving up on those who are hurting, angry and alone in their Hearts. That is beauty from the Soul. L.S. R. Copyright 2

Where life is real…….

I want to say again that my blog, Where Life is Real, is titled that because it is a blog of my life without restraint on how it goes. I just write about things that sometimes bond with other’s feelings and sometimes they don’t. Some are happy, some are dumb, some are sad, and some are just photos. I have poems, rants, stories, shared opinions, and well, just about everything. Maybe because my mind is always going fast, and my life is just like any other. Changes and sometimes just bland are the usual. For all who enjoy it, I thank you and I love reading your Blogs as well. Have a great day/evening wherever you are! 🙂

I laughed last night and I laughed for over an hour at a silly phone App game. …….

It has been a while since I just let everything go and had a good laugh and it felt good. Soooo good. I hassled my husband into helping me solve these puzzles (he likes to sleep early) but we made a game out of it and ended up laughing so much. I am going to try and make that a habit. (not keeping him up, just laughing more).

Catwalk…. Literally…. lol..

I took my small Dog Sawyer for a walk in the Subdivision. We were headed back home when I see my Cat, literally following us. This Cat decided that a walk would be nice I guess so here he goes. He walked with us there and then back. At one point, I looked behind me and he is just standing there so I had to call him and he comes running. Like a dog. Maybe my cats are half Dog/half Cat. Either way, it made me laugh.

It is Okay…..

It is okay to have emotions and to show it. we are not Robots. we are human. it is okay regardless of People who say we are negative because we are honest or real. it is okay to not agree. it is okay to feel and not be fake. whatever is going on it is okay to remember that we do not have to be what others want or they shun us. we can be who we are and still the real people who love us will see it, know it and accept it. Be good with yourself and know it is okay to be something that noone else is because there is only ONE you….