Child Bullies Vs. Adult Bullies…….

If you ever bullied as a Child, you will understand this. Remember as a Child, you would get up to go to school or maybe it was a kid in your Neighborhood and you would hope, that maybe, just that day they would leave you alone? Hoping that maybe that one day at least you would almost be invisible so you didn’t have to endure the torture you knew was coming? Whether it was hitting, or laughing and getting others to join to make fun of you? Maybe it was the endless taunting over what you wore or how you looked and the list goes on.

Well, you grow up and think it is finally over and here come the Adult Bullies. In a way, they are worse. With kids, though it is brutal, at least you knew what was coming. Adult bullies are different. They are cunning. they know how to play the game and they do it well. It may be where they are so nice to your face but then they go behind you, destroying you or trying to by telling People things about you. Lies and deceitful things because it gives them some perverse pleasure I guess. Or the ones who are so kind to you unless you do not do something they want and then they pull out the Weapons. They tell you how sad it is that you will not do this or that, making you feel bad because they needed you to do something that you just cannot do at that moment for whatever reason so they continue to tear you down with the fear they will make you out to be bad or horrible? Sometimes you cave just to get them to stop. then they are nice again.

Well, there is good news. WHEN you FINALLY realize these are People who do not really even like you, then and only then will you be able to walk away and say, enough. But once you do, the relief is overwhelming. Whether a Child or an Adult, if you know someone being bullied, step in. Let that darkness come to light. Stand strong behind them. Bullying is wrong, no matter what the age.

Reading today and then my mind went to Anxiety… Why it should be called an emotional, not mental illness..

I have been reading your stuff, looking at photos and so on. Then it just popped in my head (happens a lot) that even though I have anxiety, why is it called a mental illness? I think it should be an emotional illness. Even though emotions come from the mind, it is still an emotional reaction from our souls I believe and our hearts. I have extreme emotion which at times causes anxiety but it is because I am too loyal, too loving and I think deeply. But my anxiety comes from my heart and soul so I call it an emotional illness not mental. Just me of course in my ranting thought s during reading. Now I am back to reading. lol. 🙂

WordPress and why I love it here…..

I can come and share with some of the best bloggers in the World. I can express what I think, feel and like or do not like and we all stand in acceptance of each other, even when we may not agree. I love to be able to be myself and share my innermost feelings, my life in Society and just anything that helps to love, live, appreciate and enjoy. I share my heart when I am down about the loss of children, depression, anxiety, yoga, well you get it. Here. I can be me.