I am so thankful for family who have held on to me when I cannot hold onto myself….

Tomorrow is that day again. The day my daughter left us so many years ago. The me they knew doesn’t exist anymore. I am a different person, but they still love me. I confuse my own self at times. I live, I laugh, I love, and I cry. The way my mind has changed since then. Fears I never had before. Times when I could just scream and never quit, or it feels that way. The guilt I feel if I am happy. The way I never felt abandoned sometimes even though I know I just have to dial a number. But they still wait and love me. And when I do call or go by, they are there. I am so blessed they accept the different me. I hope anyone who has lost a child or children has family that are there for you. Or at least still love the you that even you don’t understand.