Empaths/ Discerners are awesome….We might make you wary but we can also help you out….Always Two Sides…..

Being an Empath/ Discerner is both a blessing and not. the blessing is you feel things and that is almost Always spot on. Trust me, whether good or bad or no matter how crazy people may think we are, it is only until they see it for themselves. Then they usually avoid you. Sometimes though, People will use it to their advantage which is smart. we can give them insight that they otherwise wouldn’t have. But also, even though we may not say it, we can spot fake a mile away. So except in rare cases where they are usually Narcissistic, Those are the ones that can fool even the best Empath/Discerner. If you come across an Empath/ Discerner, get to know them. cheaper than a Private Detective or a Company that does it with Technology. lol

Don’t let Other’s Hatred or Jealousy destroy You….Misery does indeed love Company…..

I am learning that the more I realize how Toxic some People can be how to avoid them. Family, Friends, Neighbors, it doesn’t matter. for whatever reason they set their sights on you or target you, be ready to get away from it. I know it is hard but it took me so long to realize it actually WASN’T ME but them. however, some are so good they convince everyone around Them you are the problem. Trust me, 95% chance you are NOT. just look at things, see how or what causes the situations or whatever and go on. hard but the stress goes down at least 45 or 50% and that beats nothing! have a great day/evening wherever you are.