I found Love where I had left it…Years ago.. it has been waiting for me to come back….

I have many loving people in my life and I am so blessed for that. But I was mossing the love I used to remember where i was accepted, never judged, loved for who I was. I looked and searched my heart as to why I couldn’t it feel or find that anymore. It took losing you to go back and find it again. In a group of People who I had left behind years ago. Yeah, we talked and we stayed in touch but when I saw all of them last night, i realized I had that love right where I had left it. I let things in my life change me. I thought I was too busy and our lifestyles were so different. But then I realized that these WERE the ones who never let go. who stood by me no matter what I did. because they loved me for me. not for what i screwed up on. not for anything but just love. I felt a healing. I had come home to the ones who were always there. just waiting. For me. don’t let go of parts of your past that are needed in your life to complete the love you need.

Author: artista10

Living Life. Where Life is real and where I share it.

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