Letting go of toxic things…slowly.. how is it working for me?.. So far… helping…

I have written many times of trying to let go of toxic things and/or People. Well, it is a journey but if I had to say how it is working, I will say it can be hard but so far it is helping. I guess until you start doing it you do not realize just how damaging the toxic environment can be. I have started taking baby steps over the course of doing it and then I would take a big step back into it but now I seem to be on a path of getting away and staying away a bit at a time. Avoiding the passive/aggressive, avoiding the gossip behind my back and the, in some cases actual hatred for being real and not fake was like a poison draining me. So, I hope to keep doing it while still being able to practice positivity is good. I hope for those walking this path, you are over coming too! So, that is my blog on that for the Day. Have a great day/evening wherever you are!